Mitteavalik pakkumine
Roseni 10, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa

General information
1 350 € / month -
Ready -
Total area
94.2 m2 -
Year of construction
2007 -
3 -
2 -
5 -
4 -
Parking spaces
1 -
Free -
Parking space
In a parking lot under the building -
Ownership form
Condominium -
Energy label
C -
Central -
Building material
Stone-built house -
Rolled roof

Additional information
- central heating
- furniture
- household appliances / TV
- luminaires
- staircase locked
- surveillance
- neighbourhood watch area
- door phone intercom
- safety door
- smoke detectors
- sauna
- WC and bathroom separately
- shower
- washing machine
- WC
- Number of toilets: 1
- Number of bathrooms: 1
- dishwasher
- refrigerator
- kitchen furniture
- open kitchen
- stove
- cable TV
- internet / Wi-Fi
- ventilation

In the city centre -
In good condition -
Apartment building/commercial building -
Closest water body
Sea -
Name of the water body
Tallinna laht -
Health trails
Yes -
Sports facilities
Yes -
Street lighting
Public transport
0.15 km -
0.1 km -
Distance to water
0.2 km -
0.95 km -
High school
0.75 km -
0.75 km
NB! The apartment is available from 15.08.23
3-room fully furnished apartment for rent in Rosen 10 residential and commercial building.
The lower floors of the building, completed in 2007, have commercial spaces, and the upper floors have apartments with a spacious layout. The house is located on the seaside border of the Rotermann quarter with a unique, award-winning living environment.
There is an elevator in the house.
The apartment is planned with comfortable and cozy living in mind.
The apartment is located on the 4th floor of Rosen 10 building, being very quiet, spacious and bright.
The 94.2 m² apartment includes: hallway, spacious living room with open kitchen and dining room, shower room with sauna, separate toilet, 2 bedrooms.
You can enjoy beautiful sunsets from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The windows of the apartment’s living room and kitchen open towards the center of Viru. The windows of both bedrooms face the courtyard at the back of the house.
It is a home with modern solutions and an open plan. The rooms are located separately. High-quality materials in timeless colors are used in the interior decoration, which meet even the most demanding tastes.
Possibility of using the roof terrace.
The apartment has furnishings, lighting and equipment necessary for life. The apartment is rented with all the furnishings visible in the pictures.
High-quality kitchen equipment is integrated into the functional kitchen furniture: induction stove and De Dietrich oven, air purifier, AEG dishwasher and Electrolux refrigerator with freezer.
The kitchen also has a De Dietrich washing machine.
Both bedrooms have spacious built-in wardrobes.
The apartment is heated on the basis of central heating, which ensures reasonable utility costs. The amount of utility bills in the summer was €160 and in the winter period an average of €320.
The quarter has video and 24/7 manned surveillance to ensure a safe living environment. Peaceful neighbors, the building and its surroundings are always in very good condition.
The tenant has one fixed parking space in the underground parking lot.
– On the 1st floor there is a car wash, which is open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00.
Everything you need for life is a few steps away. The post house Rimi supermarket and the renovated Nautica center on Ahtri street are within walking distance of the grocery stores. Several different cafes and restaurants are located in the quarter. Stalker’s passage, or Rotermann’s newest food street, has recently opened. In addition, there is a dry cleaning, Golden Club gym, Coca-Cola Plaza cinema, boutiques and clothing stores, kindergartens, schools and sports and leisure centers in the quarter. The sea and many different leisure opportunities are in the immediate vicinity.
Rotermann City is a cozy and friendly urban environment characterized by a historical atmosphere, outstanding and interesting architecture, openness, originality and, of course, a great location right in the heart of the city.
If you are interested, please contact us to arrange a convenient time to see the apartment.
Upon signing the contract, the following must be paid: first month’s rent in advance, broker’s fee and deposit.
Üürile anda 3-toaline silmapaistev korter Roseni 10 elu-ja ärihoones.
2007. aastal valminud maja alumistel korrustel on äripinnad, ülemistel avara planeeringuga korterid. Maja asub ainulaadse, tunnustusi pälvinud elukeskkonnaga Rotermanni kvartali merepoolsel piiril.
Majas on lift.
Korter on planeeritud mugavat ja hubast elamist silmas pidades.
Korter asub Roseni 10 maja 4. korrusel, olles väga vaikne, avar ja valgusküllane.
94.2 m² suuruse korteri koosseisu kuulub: esik, avar elutuba avatud köögi ja söögitoaga, dušširuum saunaga, eraldi tualet, 2 magamistuba.
Maast-laeni akendest saate nautida kauneid päikeseloojanguid. Korteri elutoa ja köögi aknad avanevad Viru keskuse poole. Mõlema magamistoa aknad on maja taha sisehoovi.
Tegu on kaasaegsete lahendustega ning avatud planeeringuga koduga. Toad paiknevad eraldi. Siseviimistluses on kasutatud kvaliteetseid ja ajatutes toonides materjale, mis vastavad ka kõige nõudlikumale maitsele.
Katuseterassi kasutamise võimalus.
Korteris on olemas eluks vajalik sisustus, valgustid ja tehnika. Korter üüritakse koos kogu piltidel nähtava sisustusega.
Funktsionaalsesse köögimööblisse on integreeritud kvaliteetne köögitehnika: induktsioon pliit ja De Dietrich toiduahi, õhupuhasti, AEG nõudepesumasin ja Electrolux külmkapp koos sügavkülmikuga.
Köögis on lisaks ka De Dietrich pesumasin.
Mõlemas magamistoas on mahukad sisseehitatud garderoobikappid.
Korteri küte on lahendatud keskkütte baasil, mis tagab mõistlikud kommunaalkulud. Suvine kommunaalarvete summa oli 160 € ning talvisel perioodil keskmiselt 350 €.
Kvartalis on olemas video- ning ööpäevaringselt mehitatud valve tagamaks turvalise elukeskkonna. Rahulikud naabrid, hoone ning selle ümbruskond on alati väga heas korras.
Maa-aluses parklas on üürniku kasutada üks kindel parkimiskoht.
-1 korrusel asub autopesula, mis on avatud esmaspäevast reedeni kell 09.00-18.00.
Kõik eluks vajalik asub paari sammu kaugusel. Toidukauplustest asuvad jalutuskäigu kaugusel postimaja Rimi supermarket ja Ahtri tänaval uuendatud Nautica keskus. Kvartalis asuvad mitmed erinevad kohvikud ja restoranid. Hiljuti on avatud Stalkeri käik ehk Rotermanni uusim toidutänav. Lisaks veel on kvartalis olemas keemiline puhastus, Golden Club spordisaal, Coca-Cola Plaza kinoteater, butiigid ja rõivakauplused, lasteaiad, koolid ning spordi- ja huvikeskused. Vahetus läheduses meri ning mitmed erinevad vabaaja veetmise võimalused.
Rotermann City on õdus ja sõbralik linnakeskkond, mida iseloomustavad ajaloohõnguline atmosfäär, silmapaistev ja huvitav arhitektuur, avatus, omanäolisus ja loomulikult suurepärane asukoht otse linna südames.
Huvi korral võtke ühendust, et kokku leppida sobiv aeg korteriga tutvumiseks.
One month’s rent, deposit and the commission fee must be paid upon signing the contract.